?> E Out of Ego Daily Insight - Back to School Wisdom - E out of Ego
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E Out of Ego Daily Insight – Back to School Wisdom

Hi everyone,

Some people, mostly mothers and fathers are really happy about school starting again – for the kids.  But what about the fact that we are all back to school every morning.  Is there a day you can remember that you have not had to learn something new?  I can tell you that since writing this book, and getting it published and now marketing it, I have been learning more than the kids in school for sure!  Learning blogging, social networking, new business contact managers – you name it.  The kids want to finish school and get out, we want to learn faster what they already know! So, it really helps to keep our ego out of the way, so we can learn fast, so as the world changes we are in the flow! No roadblocks here!.

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