?> Inauguration Party at Stoudomier's Restaurant in Phoenix - E out of Ego
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Inauguration Party at Stoudomier’s Restaurant in Phoenix

Hi Everyone,
Jerry & I went to a downtown restaurant with friends Virginia, Dan and Elisabeth to watch the inauguration this morning!  Jerry got interviewed by a CBC local station, but we didn’t see if it got on the news!!!  Fun though!I thought the inauguration speech was moving and I really am impressed that the leader is doing what we are talking about in our book – Less importance on the “E” and more on the job at hand.  The style of leadership seems to be what Jerry has been sharing in the book – win-win actions and thinking.  Notice in the very beginning of the speech, the President said – “I stand here, humbled by the task before us…” not before me.  That to me is a good sign for effective leadership.
Love to hear your comments!
DonnaPosted by EoutofEGO.com Blog at 1/21/2009 11:17 AM

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