?> Is history open to change - Cuba changes
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Is history open to change – Cuba changes

Can the ego get out of the way.  To Bill Ratliff, Hello Bill I was reading the Stanford news release on Professor Hilton, and I noticed a missing piece of information. In 1957 Prof. Hilton was an advisor on Latin American affairs and prepared a report on Fidel Castro showing that Castro was a Communist. I helped organize those papers and actually drove Prof . Hilton to the airport when he flew to Washington D C to deliver the report to President Eisenhower and the State Dept.
The results were not what Prof Hilton expected; when I picked him up at the airport on his return. he was very distraught. I will quote him, he said,  “They would hardly pay any attention to me and they called me a crack pot.”  He was so un-nerved that I actually took him to a cabin off of Skyline where he spent a week re-grouping himself.
You know the results, President Eisenhower authorized the arms to Castro and the rest is history for Cuba..

Jerry Govan. International Relations. Stanford 58

One Response to “Is history open to change – Cuba changes”

  1. Donna Says:

    I have heard this story many times, and I am glad it is finally getting to be heard.