?> March 2009 - E out of Ego
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Archive for March, 2009

Germany or Bust

Friday, March 27th, 2009

hofbrau-haus-munich-germany-3-26-08-0881Here we are in Germany having a great time!  But 6 months before that we were wondering if we were ever going to break loose of a stuckness. We planned, dreamed, talked about for over 2 years that we were going to go to back to Europe.  (Jerry had been there 50 years earlier and me 30 years earlier).  But Jerry ended up in the hospital with ecoli (serious case 3 weeks in the hospital) and then he had another health challenge dealing with altitude and his heart.  I began to set our dream of traveling to Europe, let alone the rest of the world on the back, very back burner.

Worse than that I found myself resenting this situation while I was doing everything it took to love him and us through that year.  Then, I realized what I was doing to myself, and us – I was letting more and more of the resentment chisel away my dream of going back to Europe.  I was just letting it build up inside of me, right in the front of my gut.  The more I tried to get rid of it, the more I resented it. Ugg. (more…)


Friday, March 27th, 2009

LOVE………………EGO Once upon a time there was an island, where all the feelings lived together.One day there was storm in the sea and the island was about to get drowned.

Every feeling was scared but Love made a boat to escape.

Every feeling boarded the boat. one feeling was left.

Love got down to see who it was..

It was EGO..

Love tried and tried but ego wasn’t moving also the water was rising.

Every one asked love to leave him and come in the boat, but love was made to love.

At last all the feelings escape and Love dies with ego on the island..

Love Dies because of EGO.

The reason that ego and love are not compatible comes down to this: you cannot take your ego into the unknown, where love wants to lead. If you follow love, your life will become uncertain, and the ego craves certainty.Posted by EoutofEGO.com Blog at 2/2/2009 10:08 PM

Politics or education – which needs more “taking the Ego out?”

Friday, March 27th, 2009

We have been doing our daily soul searching.  For a week it has been on determining where our true “Niche” to help people might be.
We are passionate about “giving to receive.”   We realize we need to invest in order to reap the end product, whatever we envision our harvest to be.  We have really dreamed all along to reach out to “kids,”  youth.  A lot of people in politics have operated from a big Ego for a long time because our society trains us that way.  We offer that it is far more enriching to swim to be the best, than to swim to beat the competition. So between politics or education,  We  think education provides more chances for  “taking the Ego out” to be effective.  Why?  Because young people are still forming their life patterns and might more often keep the Ego out and go for being their best. Politics, we need someone to keep running interference.  We think Obama has started to set an example of level headed “take the Ego out” thinking.  We think our “niche” is going to involve education, especially in the youth.  Love to hear your viewpoints as always.  Donna

Posted by EoutofEGO.com Blog at 1/27/2009 11:19 PM

Here is the First GO Power Point from the Book!

Friday, March 27th, 2009

Hi everyone!

Here it is, the First GO POWER POINT:
“Unexpected ripples can spread from the simple choice of using your intuition and allowing creativity.” – Chapter 6 page 104

This is the GO Power Point at the end of the story where Jerry got total use of a new airplane for almost NOTHING.  And it was before the internet!  All he did was mentally ask…

Interested in finding out how to change the challenges in your life experiences to happiness and improving health and wealth?  This airplane story followed the one when he got the use of an airplane for almost NOTHING in one hour after deciding that is what his company needed. (the first airplane experience is posted on our website: www.EoutofEgo.com as an excerpt).  Then it got taken away, and he didn’t get depressed, just decided that another one could show up just like the first one.  Here is another one of Jerry’s sayings:  If you miss the first streetcar (bus, plane, taxi, opportunity…) there is always another one coming!

We are excited to hear your feedback – has this happened to you?  Do you want positive surprises and improvements to create more GO power and peace in your life?  Let us know about your ideas on “unexpected ripples” and “allowing creativity.”
 How about “choice?” 

Looking forward to hearing from you all!
Donna (& Jerry)

Posted by EoutofEGO.com Blog at 1/23/2009 11:11 AM

Inauguration Party at Stoudomier’s Restaurant in Phoenix

Friday, March 27th, 2009

Hi Everyone,
Jerry & I went to a downtown restaurant with friends Virginia, Dan and Elisabeth to watch the inauguration this morning!  Jerry got interviewed by a CBC local station, but we didn’t see if it got on the news!!!  Fun though!I thought the inauguration speech was moving and I really am impressed that the leader is doing what we are talking about in our book – Less importance on the “E” and more on the job at hand.  The style of leadership seems to be what Jerry has been sharing in the book – win-win actions and thinking.  Notice in the very beginning of the speech, the President said – “I stand here, humbled by the task before us…” not before me.  That to me is a good sign for effective leadership.
Love to hear your comments!
DonnaPosted by EoutofEGO.com Blog at 1/21/2009 11:17 AM

January New book kickoff!

Friday, March 27th, 2009

Welcome to our first blog!Drum Roll Please:
OUR FIRST BOOK hit the press!
Take the E out of ego and GO! Powerful Secrets to Prosperity, Relationships, Healing and FUN!
We greet you now as published authors!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello friends!
This January 2009 issue is dedicated to the theme
If you are flying high – read on and enjoy – if you’re not – spend a short read
and leave with a FREE UPlift!     O
f course we invite you to purchase a book by clicking on the buy now words above!  Thanks for your support!  We love you. 


Hello world!

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!