?> August 2009 - E out of Ego
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Archive for August, 2009

Go Power Point of the Week

Monday, August 31st, 2009




Go Power Point #12:

Never let go of your integrity.  It is vital to keeping the ‘E’go in balance. 

Take the E out of Ego and GO!  by Jerry and Donna Govan

Removing Roadblocks to Success with powerful secrets to prosperity, relationships, healing  and FUN!

E Out of Ego – Daily Insight – Positive emotion+

Friday, August 28th, 2009

Takng the E out of ego means taking out the negative emotion, but leaving in the positive emotion.  It’s like in conversation, asking about the other person and really listening is as important as telling your story.  Having both keeps positive emotion which is ego with the small “e.”

E Out of Ego Daily Insight – Sensitivity

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

A healthy ego is sensitive.  A sensitivity to people and the feelings we are picking up around and from within us is necessary for a healthy ego.  Can you remember when you felt there was something coming between you and a friend or person in a conversation?  Sometimes it is too much Ego and sometimes not enough (they want to hear about you!) .  It’s like walking in their shoes and your own at the same time.  We are all sensitive.  We just need to recognize it.

Go Power Point of the Week

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

go-power-point1Go Power Point #23:

Watch for the clues of where not to go and…don’t go there.  Trust your hunches. 

Take the E out of Ego and GO!  by Jerry and Donna Govan

Removing Roadblocks to Success with powerful secrets to prosperity, relationships, healing  and FUN!

E Out of Ego Daily Insight – Back to School Wisdom

Monday, August 17th, 2009

Hi everyone,

Some people, mostly mothers and fathers are really happy about school starting again – for the kids.  But what about the fact that we are all back to school every morning.  Is there a day you can remember that you have not had to learn something new?  I can tell you that since writing this book, and getting it published and now marketing it, I have been learning more than the kids in school for sure!  Learning blogging, social networking, new business contact managers – you name it.  The kids want to finish school and get out, we want to learn faster what they already know! So, it really helps to keep our ego out of the way, so we can learn fast, so as the world changes we are in the flow! No roadblocks here!.

E Out of Ego Daily Insight – Getting over Ego

Monday, August 10th, 2009

Getting over Ego is of course easier said than done.  Our clue for the day is:  look for what is similar in two apparently opposing “You should have…”  and “Well, you could have…”. Once you find what is similar, the differences don’t look so huge, and the egos so much to “gain.”   For example:  Interruptions. What is similar:  getting a job done.  Try using the preference technique:  “I would prefer that you would bring in all my messages for each hour at one time, please.”  “Ok, now I understand how to be effective, thank you.”

Take the E Out of Ego and GO! is available at Agape International Spiritual Center bookstore in Culver City, CA (Los Angeles metro)

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

If you remember the movie and book “The Secret” about the law of attraction…check this out!  You shoulda been there!

Dr Michael Beckwith who appeared on the Secret is the minister at Agape International Spiritual Center in Culver City, CA.  We took our book to their bookstore for clearance to be sold there and attended the third service last Sunday.

As the final song, our mouths fell open as the choir sang the Gibran quote “On Children” which is the dedication in the front of our book, because Jerry’s mother wrote it in his baby book.  With 1000+ people, we finally got to talk to Rickie Byers Beckwith, the music director and shared our excitement, as she noted that this was the first and only time the choir had ever sung that song.

But, here comes more!  We did not try to talk to Rev Michael.  After three services, and so many people, even though we were here from Arizona, that was a slim chance.  We did however meet some inspiring people and went to lunch with 6 of them, not far from Agape.  Well, we never looked at our watches, and our lunch which started about 1pm was just ending at 4pm.  As we hugged our new friends goodbye (each with book in hand), one of them said, “There comes Rev Michael.  He just drove up, do you want to go give him a book?”  So there came our opportunity, he drove right to us, accepted our book which we signed for him and he thanked us for coming to Agape!  Was that timely or what? (And by the way, it got accepted in the bookstore also, last night!)  We love following intentions and getting help from the universe!

E Out of Ego Daily Insight – Sensitivity

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

We have found that sensitivity has more to do with  how we act and respond to another person’s ego than we might think.

For instance, if someone challenges you, you may automatically respond to meet the challenge.  If someone comes on with a puffed up Ego, we may tend to puff up and tell our story.  With sensitivity, we can tune into the intent BEHIND a comment and DECIDE  our response.  For instance if the comment seems to be self-serving, we can choose to give the preson some supportive credit instead of trumping up a comment about ourselves.  Sensitivity tends to inspire maturity.  What do you think?

E Out of Ego Daily Insight – Hire and Fire

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

If nothing is working – fire your scriptwriter!  In other words, make a change in your intention.