?> July 2009 - Page 2 of 2 - E out of Ego
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Archive for July, 2009

Go Power Point of the Week

Monday, July 6th, 2009

go-power-point1Go Power Point 19 & 20 (twice because it’s important):

Maintain your confidence. Never give up on a deeply inspiring goal; always use your intuition to ask for and accept the help you need as you ‘GO.’

Take the E out of Ego and GO!  by Jerry and Donna Govan

Removing Roadblocks to Success with powerful secrets to prosperity, relationships, healing  and FUN!

E Out of Ego Daily Insight -Thankful for the Independence of this Country

Saturday, July 4th, 2009

Happy 4th of July.  We are thankful for the freedom of this Country!  For the 2nd half of this year we are going to be offering inspiration and training in the areas of “responsible for” and “responsible to.”  We hope you will join us in this very personal, powerful way of develping success in a “win-win” outcome.  Jerry and Donna

Joining with Technorati

Friday, July 3rd, 2009


E Out of EGO Daily Insight – Why hurry?

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

With so much hurrying going on, it can keep us in a tight feeling inside.   Remember to breathe and let go.  Focus is actually more effective than hurry.