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Archive for the ‘Daily insight to a Balanced ego’ Category

E Out of EGO Daily Insight – Why hurry?

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

With so much hurrying going on, it can keep us in a tight feeling inside.   Remember to breathe and let go.  Focus is actually more effective than hurry.

E out of Ego Daily Insight – Exciting partnerships!

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Today, notice how the enthusiasm of sharing what inspires you ignites enthusiasm in others.  Wonderful relationships grow and help you and others!

E out of EGO Daily Insight: Avoiding tragedies (even little ones).

Monday, June 29th, 2009

The way to avoid any form of tragedy or rough spot is to do extra prep.  When you are prepped ahead, don’t you feel more confident and secure?  Also, during the prep, the intuitive insights tend to pop in of how to handle things!

E out of EGO Daily Insight: Let GO!

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

When it feels like there is a seesaw effect, and things seem hard to decide, instead of getting emotional or worrying, give the Ego a rest and take a deep breath.  That quick calm will let the best answer for you come through!

E out of Ego insight of the Day

Friday, June 26th, 2009

Staying in love isn’t all that hard – if we stay in the flow when we’re on the go! What works for us is keeping one simple focus at a time. Right now we are going to the pool for our workout. But we checked our email for important items first. For us that is staying in the flow together, still on the go, and focused.  Try this in your own relationships and see what happens.