?> Get out of your own way - E out of Ego
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Get out of your own way

To get out of your own way you first stop and take some deep breaths, and reflect on what is bothering you in the moment.  “Am I trying too hard or just wanting to make something happen?”  Can I ” ClueSo”  it! (like the detective). There are usually many things to investigate!   But when this happens  you go right to the short cut , the culprit (?) Yes you guessed  it, PRIDE. Yes, to get the Ego out of the way, you have to get your Pride out of the way. As Sherlock Holmes would say “Elementary my dear boy(girl)” but not always an easy task! But when tackled; you can get out of your own way.  Once it is exposed, you can just say:  “You’re outta here!”  By the way, don’t forget to laugh at you when it is all over!

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